Why Bar HArbor and Acadia NP?

Have you ever had a memory or experience that started it all? A moment in time where you can look back and remember why you started a journey that you knew would last a lifetime. Maybe it was the first time you scored a goal in soccer or a match point in tennis or maybe even the first time you believed in yourself. Well Bar Harbor, Maine and the trails of Acadia National Park hold these moments for me. My whole life I knew… knew I would work with animals and do something I was passionate about but it wasn’t until I stood on top of Cadillac mountain in Acadia NP that I felt it would come true.

My second season with my horse Charlie, exploring the creeks, galloping up mountains and getting lost in the golden fall foliage would seal this feeling for me. This was the summer I began guiding trips. The Miss Samantha lobster fishing and seal watching tour stole my heart. The joy on kid’s faces when they saw a baby seal or held a live lobster in person was priceless. I knew eco tourism was for me. I hadn’t realized my dream of The Wild Linds yet but these moments filled with fuzzy seals, leaping whales, soaring bald eagles and endless sunsets left me no choice but to share some of these memories with others.

Guiding tours and sharing my passion with others was the first time I truly ever felt like I belonged, a place I could live my truth. I hope you all read this post and think of a moment you were unapologetically you… because we all deserve that.

Thanks for reading..

The Wild Linds ❤️


Find your inner mermaid…


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