Brands/ companies we love


    Use Code - Linds20

    These are perfect for when you are on the go! Whether you are in a sweaty situation or out on the water, these towels are not just a personal solution but an environmental one as well. FaceSoft Towel Company is committed to educating and spreading awareness about the dangers of microfiber. Their 100% cotton, eco-friendly FaceSoft Towels, provide the opportunity to live a more plastic-free lifestyle. If you want to try it for yourself, be sure to use my code to receive 20% off!

  • Stream 2 Sea

    Use Code - Lindsaylewis

    Reef safe sunscreen is a must if you care about your health and the health of our marine/aquatic ecosystems. Harmful chemicals have been allowed to persist in our environment for too long. I have partnered with this amazing company to give you all an alternative that is safe for you and our wild spaces! My personal favorite products are the leave in conditioner, sheer zinc balm, and the shimmer everyday mineral sunscreen.

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    Please do your research for what you need for your specific location/ season- but here are some of my favorites for the environment!

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