Find your inner mermaid…

“Under the Sea” is so much more than a catchy Disney tune from The Little Mermaid. Most of us live our lives everyday far away from the ocean/any body of water and their many wonders. Fortunately, I grew up in south Florida surrounded by them. I am pretty sure I could stop myself from drowning before I could walk and my love for water has continued to this day.

I got my Open Water Scuba certification at the age of 19 and then last year, my Advanced Open Water/Nitrox, Rescue Diver and over this past summer was able to complete my Divemaster certification. But you know what…? You don’t need any fancy skills or wild certifications to enjoy the beauty beneath the surface. During my time taking people swimming with manatees I saw “non-swimmers” and people with water phobias be absolutely enamored with the underwater world of Florida’s Springs.

So grab some goggles, a noodle and whatever it is you need to make yourself comfortable and get out there to see what lives in a world where we don’t really belong. A world where our words make no sense and our breath needs a snorkel or air tank to take us further.

Explore your own limits and then slowly feel them melt away..



Why Bar HArbor and Acadia NP?