“Promoting eco conscience travel, adventures in the wild, while learning and loving on the most magical nature experiences the world has to offer. let the wild Linds plan your next great adventure.”

WHAT is the wild Linds?

Let me tell you a little about what I do and more importantly what I can do for you...

The Wild Linds Creates Eco Travel Guides


For some, the research and the planning is all part of the fun! For many, it may be the roadblock on their road to adventure. I have strategically curated guides so you can grab your loved one, your family or maybe your dog and just go! Plus, I will give you tips on other small businesses who are eco-conscious to support on your journey.

shop for your trip with the environment in mind

Take a peak at some of the items I can’t live without, and the environment can live better with us purchasing them to use on our travels.